This year, we were invited to give a number of network analysis workshops for psychological data. Most of these I gave together with my fantastic colleagues Marie Deserno and Sacha Epskamp.
The majority of the workshops covered network estimation, network inference, and network accuracy for between-subjects cross-sectional networks and time-series networks. It was a lot of work to put everything together, and we decided recently to make all materials, including slides, R syntax, data, and references freely available. We have also put everything on ResearchGate to generate a DOI.
There are numerous workshops planned for the next months, and we plan to keep updating the materials to have them up to date; we hope to keep up, despite the fast-paced and numerous developments in the field.
Another great source for learning network analysis was the 2016 5-day network analysis summer school hosted by our Psychosystems group in Amsterdam (main organizers: Marie Deserno & Jonas Dalege). We hope to repeat this in-depth workshop in the future, hopefully before summer 2017, and will keep you up to date.