How to study early-warning signals for clinical change

Merlijn Olthof is a PhD student at the Behavioural Science Institute of Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. His main research interest is the study of complexity in mental health with a particular focus on phase transitions and early-warning signals. Together with a project group – including his supervisors Anna Lichtwarck-Aschoff …

Experience sampling software ‘mobileQ’: new, free, open source

Peter Kuppens is Professor of Psychology at KU Leuven-University of Leuven in Belgium. He studies the nature and dynamics of emotions in their natural habitat, daily life, and how they play a role in well-being and mood disorder. His research group has developed an Android smartphone platform, called mobileQ, to …

ICPS 2019: Collection of presentations related to dynamical systems

ICPS 2019 in Paris was last week, the European version of the US APS conference. Many researchers working on networks, time-series data, and dynamical systems were present, and I wanted to share all slides here. I have been asked to state that the slides were never intended to be used …

APS 2018: Collection of all network presentations

APS 2018 — the conference of the Association for Psychological Science in San Francisco, May 2018 — featured many talks on the topics complex systems, time-series models, network models, and modeling intensive longitudinal data assessed via experience sampling. I promised to collect all slides I could hunt down, and want …

Talking to Laura Bringmann: ESM data, network models, & an exciting project

I was visiting University of Groningen a few days ago for an interdisciplinary meeting about the gap between clinical practice and methodology, and ran into Dr Laura Bringmann who I know well from our time together at University of Leuven. Since Laura and colleagues (i.e. Casper Albers, Jojanneke Bastiaansen, and …

Public dataset with 1478 timepoints over 239 consecutive days

A new paper entitled “Data from ‘Critical Slowing Down as a Personalized Early Warning Signal for Depression’” was published by Jolanda Kossakowski and colleagues yesterday. The paper was published in the new Journal of Open Psychology Data that you may want to keep an eye on. They publish datasets, which …

Mplus 8.0 with Dynamic Structural Equation Models

Most of you know Mplus, a statistical software that is considered by many to be state-of-the-art for Structural Equation Models (SEM). The network literature on psychopathology so far has been dominated by R, for instance when estimating cross-sectional network models via the packages qgraph, IsingFit, mgm, or bootnet, or time-series …

New “Psychological Dynamics” Facebook group

Sacha Epskamp had the great idea to create the public Facebook group Psychological Dynamics. The group serves as a central place to share and discuss news, blogs and publications related, but not limited to, psychological research on dynamical systems, complex systems, network models, time-series analysis, causal discovery and phase transitions. …

Dynamical systems study follows 1 psychotic patient for 1 full year

When we recently submitted a review paper on empirical network studies in psychopathology, we realized that the majority of prior papers had focused on the analyses of groups, e.g. depressed patients, psychotic patients, or people with autism. Fewer studies had looked into the question of the dynamic character of symptoms …

Bringmann’s dissertation on dynamical networks in psychology

You’ve probably heard about Laura Bringmann: among other things, she developed the multilevel extension of the vector autoregressive network model many of us are using today, and was the first to apply it to psychopathological data (e.g., 1, 2). Laura defended her PhD “Dynamical networks in psychology: More than a …