ICPS 2019: Collection of presentations related to dynamical systems

ICPS 2019 in Paris was last week, the European version of the US APS conference. Many researchers working on networks, time-series data, and dynamical systems were present, and I wanted to share all slides here. I have been asked to state that the slides were never intended to be used …

How to interpret centrality values in network structures (not)

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For posts on psych-networks, I usually want to write about a topic for a few months, don’t find the time, and then a new paper comes along that prompts me to write up what I had in mind. For instance: A paper by Madhoo & Levin 2016 prompted me to …

APS 2018: Collection of all network presentations

APS 2018 — the conference of the Association for Psychological Science in San Francisco, May 2018 — featured many talks on the topics complex systems, time-series models, network models, and modeling intensive longitudinal data assessed via experience sampling. I promised to collect all slides I could hunt down, and want …

7 new papers on network replicability

Since replication, replicability, and generalizability have become such important topics in the field of network psychometrics — arguably the topic of the year 2017 — I want to highlight seven new papers that came out in the last weeks on the topic. 7 papers on replicability Fried et al. 2017 …

Network analysis innovations at APS Boston 2017: summary and slides

APS 2017 in Boston just ended, with plenty of insightful talks about new developments in network methodology and application of network analysis to substantive topics. For those of you who couldn’t be there, I wanted to provide a summary of the topics that were discussed, and upload all presentations I …

Public dataset with 1478 timepoints over 239 consecutive days

A new paper entitled “Data from ‘Critical Slowing Down as a Personalized Early Warning Signal for Depression’” was published by Jolanda Kossakowski and colleagues yesterday. The paper was published in the new Journal of Open Psychology Data that you may want to keep an eye on. They publish datasets, which …

Six new network papers, including a review of the empirical literature

The last weeks have been pretty busy with teaching, traveling, and writing that I didn’t find the time I wanted to for blogging. To catch up, this blog post will feature several new network papers (in alphabetical order by first author). It is becoming increasingly hard to keep up with …

Expected influence: a new centrality metric by Robinaugh et al. 2016

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When we estimate the centrality of nodes in networks, one metric that is commonly used is node strength centrality or degree centrality. In unweighted networks were edges are either 0 or 1, this is simply the sum of edges. Let’s create a brief example in R: we create an adjacency …

Bringmann’s dissertation on dynamical networks in psychology

You’ve probably heard about Laura Bringmann: among other things, she developed the multilevel extension of the vector autoregressive network model many of us are using today, and was the first to apply it to psychopathological data (e.g., 1, 2). Laura defended her PhD “Dynamical networks in psychology: More than a …

Comorbidity network of depression & anxiety symptoms: Beard et al. 2016

A new network paper by Beard et al. entitled “Network Analysis of Depression and Anxiety Symptom Relations in a Psychiatric Sample” will appear soon in Psychological Medicine. I tend to think of the paper as a state-of-the-art replication of the great comorbidity paper by Cramer et al. 2010 who investigated …